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Not all wines are from grapes

We are all too familiar with the common grape wine varieties.

Common grape wines (Source: Wine Folly)


By definition, wine comes from grapes and this is what most of us are accustomed to. However, there are many variants of non-grape wines.

In some pockets of the world, there is actually a tasty wine that is completely made from pure pomegranate fruit. And its gaining in popularity across the world.

Yes, you heard right, pomegranate wines make good wines too. 

Part of the reason why fruit wine producers gravitate towards the pomegranate is its nutritious content. Pomegranates have been heavily studied and classified as a superfood. Pomegranates have high sugar concentrations, and have one of the highest levels of nutrition amongst all fruits. Medical professionals generally agree that moderate consumption of red wine can impart a host of health benefits to most people. Pomegranate varieties are even more healthful. The fruits generally pack far more antioxidants than grapes, and most of the nutrients and vitamins are preserved in fermentation.

Wines fermented from pomegranates alone are somewhat unique in the fruit wine industry in that they often need no other fruits or flavors to balance them out. The finished pomegranate wine is similar to red wine, though a lighter in color but the taste is completely different. Pomegranate drinks are tangy-sweet with a decidedly fruity edge while red grapes are typically heavier on look and taste texture.

pomegranate wine

Pomegranate Wine (Source: Shutterstock)


These advantages come at a cost, pricing of pomegranate wine is more expensive than grape wine, and the reason is pomegranate is considered an exotic fruit. Pomegranate trees require special care and the best varieties that can be made into wine require specific climates, altitude and soil conditions. These premium pomegranate varieties can only be grown in a few regions around the world.

pomegranate orchard

Pomegranate Orchard (Source: Internal)

One of prominent places for these unique varieties can be found in Goychay, Azerbaijan where its microclimate and soil conditions has it dubbed as “Pomegranate Paradise”. This is where our Granat Pomegranate Wine is made, giving us the rich premium pomegranate taste that we enjoy.