To new beginnings. Always day 1.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate Wines

TLDR Pomegranate wines are healthier than red wines. Red wines are healthier than white and rose wines. Get your Granat pomegranate wine right now for a healthier choice.

This jewel of a fruit inherently contains an abundant natural source of Vitamins A, C, E and a rich source of antioxidants (ellagitannins, anthocyanins, gallic and ellagic acids). These antioxidants possess several health promoting characteristics, like maintaining redox balance of the internal body environment, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers and Alzheimer's.



At this point you would be asking, grapes contain antioxidants too. So how does it compare? 

Below are some interesting numbers from a research study done on the composition of pomegranates. The higher the phenolic content, the higher the antiradical properties, the better it is for our bodies. In this comparison, pomegranate wine is the outright winner. 

(Free radicals are like toxic people in your lives that are just out to hurt you. Anti-radicals fight back these toxic people by bringing good vibes and positive energy, negating toxic effects.)

Scientific results numbers:

Phenolic content (defense against harmful free radicals in your body)

Cabernet red wine → 200.5 mg GAE/100 mL

Chardonnay white wine → 28.7 mg GAE/100 mL

Rose wine → 130.4 mg GAE/100 mL

Pomegranate wine → 491.14 mg GAE/100 mL (WINNER)

(Mena P, Gironés-Vilaplana A, Martí N, García-Viguera C (2012) Pomegranate varietal wines: phytochemical composition and quality parameters. Food Chem 133:108–115)

Pomegranate wine may not have the world wide popularity of its grape wine counterparts but it has surely proven itself as a wine with greater health benefits. Drinking wine is an experience in itself, the enjoyment distilled from pleasurable tastes and through sharing with your loved ones -  and I wouldn’t mind if it came with an additional bonus health benefits.

Until recently, if you wanted to taste some truly great pomegranate wine, you’d have to hop in on a plane for the Caucasus. Now you simply don’t have to (besides, with COVID lingering on you can’t), so we’ve got them in for you - the best pomegranate wines from Azerbaijan, and probably the best in the world.